Landscape Architecture: These services range from initial feasibility studies, landscape masterplanning through to the production of stimulating detailed hard & soft landscape solutions for planning & construction purposes.
- Feasibility studies & appraisals
- Concept & sketches & 3D visuals
- Landscape Masterplanning
- Hard & soft drawings for planning
- Construction detailing
- Design & Access Statements
Arboriculture: We undertake full Arboricultural Surveys (in accordance with BS: 5837: 2012) and provide Arboricultural Implication Assessments (AIA) to inform the design process; additionally we supply detailed Arboricultural Method Statements (AMS) and Tree Protection Plans (TPP) and undertake on site supervision during the construction phases to support & discharge planning submissions & conditions.
- Arboricultural Surveys
- Arboricultural Implication Assessments
- Arboricultural Method Statements
- Tree Protection Plans
- Monitoring & supervision
Ecology: Ecological & environmental aspects are prime issues when considering the development of a site. Often scoping surveys are the first survey undertaken to identify potential habitats for protected species; to inform the development programme and to be aware of constraints and consider mitigation proposals. Scoping, Phase 1 Habitat Surveys, monitoring and BREEAM assessments (land use & ecology) are all services provided by Viewpoint.
- Scoping Surveys
- Phase 1 Habitat Surveys
- BREEAM Assessments
- Bird & Bat Surveys
- Environmental Statements
Procurement: We recognise that to have a landscape scheme that performs and continues to thrive, starting with the best products for the right cost is of paramount importance. That is why our procurement strategies are individually tailored to each client's needs. Our experience and services range from the production of preliminaries, specification & bills (pricing schedules) – tender, analysis & reporting for
one off maintenance contracts through to term landscape agreements for both the supply of landscape contractors & nursery stock.
- Strategies – Plants, Contractors &
- Maintenance
- Tender production & analysis
- Retrospective discounts
- Quantity Surveying
Landscape Management: One off ‘health checks/ audits’ through to regular monitoring & inspection visits are services we provide to our clients - expert horticultural advice, with both arboricultural & ecological support as required to ensure the continual development of the ‘living’ landscape during the ongoing maintenance period; assessing the contractors performance and ensuring specification compliance are all part of the process and service provided.
- Maintenance ‘health / quality’ audits
- Management Manuals
- Monitoring
- Specification compliance / performancemonitoring
- Remedials/Recovery
Advisory & Administration: A broad spectrum of services that span across all the landscape sectors; ranging from sports pitch construction, tender & contract administration to expert witness investigation – when plants die for unexplainable reasons we provided interpretative reports that explain what went wrong & remediation measures required.
- Contract Administration
- Topsoil manufacture
- Sports pitch construction & agronomy
- Project Management
- Expert witness reports
- Value engineering